From Extreme Procrastination to Failing to Act at All

You’re not lazy. This is why you’re stopped.

Lisa Daum
13 min readDec 18, 2019
Photo by Charles on Unsplash

There’s a big difference between regular old procrastination and failing to act at all. Another name for regular procrastinators is deadline driven. They may start later than some others may like them to, but they make their deadlines and do good work. It’s not a problem, but a particular style of working. I explore that further in the piece below.

Unfortunately some of us are dealing with something that’s disguised as procrastination, but is a completely different animal. We think it’s procrastination because we tell ourselves we’ll do it tomorrow, but the next day rolls around and something else happens. We think we’re lazy. We’ve been told that over and over and now we say it to ourselves. We’re afraid to act and afraid of what will happen if we don’t. In the meantime we watch our lives circle the drain and can’t get ourselves to do anything about it. We fear we’re like this because something, we don’t know what, is wrong with us.

Lisa Daum
Lisa Daum

Written by Lisa Daum

I love animals, reading, and writing. Also a student of human nature. People are weird, but it makes us interesting. Email me:

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